The Scottish Secular Society’s response to controversy on Lewis
The residents of Lewis and Harris have both enjoyed and suffered the position of isolation from the national narrative for too long.
read morePress Release: The SSS welcomes the announcement of a pardon for thousands of gay and bisexual men
The Scottish Secular Society welcomes the announcement yesterday (7th November) by the First Minister of a pardon for thousands of gay and bisexual men who were subject to legal prosecution prior to 1981 and subsequently due to use of outdated laws.
read moreEquality and Human Rights Commission – Stakeholder Dinner
I was privileged to represent the SSS at a recent dinner for stakeholders hosted in Edinburgh by the EHRC Scotland.
read morePress Release: The SSS welcomes Norther Ireland’s referendum on the 8th Amendment
This referendum is the result of a long-fought campaign to repeal the 1983 decision.
read morePress Release: Response to Smyllum Park Allegations
Readers of the National will doubtless be aware of the highly disturbing allegations of violence and brutality against children who had been placed in the ‘care’ of nuns at Smyllum Park, Lanark.
read morePress Release: Response to the evidence that Scotland is now Majority not religious
The Scottish Secular Society call upon the Scottish Government to recognise the rapid decline of religion in our society and realign our laws to reflect this attitude.
read moreLetters II: More secular society means we are happier
Long established structures, institutions and traditions are openly being questioned and, frankly, this is a good and healthy development.
read moreReport on Evidence Session of Bullying and Harassment in Schools – EHRiC
A Committee examination of various issues relating to the bullying and harassment of children and young people in the Scottish school system.
read moreEvidence of Bullying and Harassment in Schools – EHRiC
The SSS thank the EHRiC for inviting our organisation to give evidence on bullying and harassment of children and young people in our Scottish schools.
read moreWelcoming the CoS move toward a more humanity-based morality.
The Scottish Secular Society welcome the Church of Scotland General Assembly’s approval of an apology to gay people for the past discrimination they have faced in the Church.
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