
Constitution of the Scottish Secular Society




The society shall be called ‘Scottish Secular Society’.

The changing of the name of the Scottish Secular Society will require a motion to be passed at the AGM.




The Scottish Secular Society exists to challenge religious privilege in the public space.

The Scottish Secular Society exists to support and further the cause of secularism.

The Scottish Secular Society supports the Secular Charter as policy (Appendix 1).




The Scottish Secular Society will have the power to challenge religious privilege in the public space.

The Scottish Secular Society will have the power to campaign on secular issues.

The Scottish Secular Society will have the power to organise events to promote secularism.

The Scottish Secular Society may affiliate to any body with similar aims and objectives, subject to approval by the majority of the board.

The Scottish Secular Society will have the power to raise, and spend funds to promote the Aims of The Scottish Secular Society.




A Board (‘the Board’) shall manage The Scottish Secular Society and ensure that it pursues the Scottish Secular Society’s Aims referred to in paragraph 2.


The Board shall have a minimum of four elected officers (‘The Officers’) comprising: –


The Chair:


Who shall act as chief executive officer and Chair of the Board.

The Chair will chair Ordinary Members Meetings and AGMs (unless otherwise delegated);


The Vice-chair:


Who shall assist and deputise for the Chair.


The Secretary:


Who shall act as the chief administrative officer, service all board and general meetings and maintain a list of Members of The Scottish Secular Society.


The Treasurer:


Who will act as the chief financial officer and will be responsible for ensuring that The Scottish Secular Society fulfills its financial requirements.


The Assisting Officer:


The four required elected Officers will be designated one other elected officer (“Assisting Officer”) to assist in Officer duties. The duties of the Assisting Officer will be determined-

1. In accordance with the Constitution.

2. At the discretion of The Officer.

3. At any time The Officer is unable to fulfill their duties.


The purpose of establishing an Assisting Officer is to-

1. Aid The Officer when needed.

2. Ensure all necessary society information remains available to the Scottish Secular Society when The Officer is unable to fulfill their duties.


Assisting Officers will be entrusted with The Officer’s Scottish Secular Society accounts access, including, but not limited to, society email accounts, society website admin accounts, and society financial accounts.

These rights do not extend beyond official Scottish Secular Society accounts and needs.


The term of the Board is one year.


Every year, the Board will choose, by lot, two Officers to be nominated for re-election.

The Board shall inform the Members at least four weeks before the AGM of the Officers nominated for re-election.

If an Officer is nominated for re-election, Members may also nominate themselves, or any other member, for this position by informing the Secretary at least four weeks before the AGM.

Re-election to the Board requires a simple majority vote of all Members and Officers present at the AGM.

A Member may nominate themselves, or any other member, for a position on the Board by submitting a motion to the AGM. If that motion is successful, the Member will replace the Officer on the Board.

In the event that a member of the Board resigns their position, the Board will recommend and appoint (by simple majority vote) any other member to replace them until the next AGM.

The Board will meet at least twice a year and the Secretary shall give the Officers at least a fortnight’s notice of forthcoming Board meetings.

The Board will be in quorum when at least three Officers are present.

The Board will have the power to nominate a representative to attend events on behalf of the Society.


Members and Supporters:


The Scottish Secular Society’s social networking sites (Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Twitter page, Youtube page) should be subject to the rules of the social networking site and The Scottish Secular Society shall not be liable for any post or opinion expressed on these sites. Members and non-members are responsible for their own posts.

Anyone aged 16 or over who joins The Scottish Secular Society on this website shall be deemed as a Member.

Any individual who wishes to become a Member of The Scottish Secular Society must join on this website or submit a request to the Secretary (either online or hard copy) to be a Member.

The Board may, at its discretion, refuse to admit any individual membership.

Only Members are entitled to take part in and vote at any Ordinary Members Meeting, AGM or EGM or online poll.

Any Member may submit a motion to the AGM.

A motion must be submitted in writing (hard copy or email) to the Secretary at least four weeks before the date of the AGM.

Each member of The Scottish Secular Society will be entitled to one vote at Ordinary General Meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGM) and online polls.

The Scottish Secular Society retains the right to refuse, block or withdraw membership from any member who brings The Scottish Secular Society into disrepute.


Any Member may no longer serve as such in any of the following events:


1. It is the decision of the Board, following an investigation by an Officer into a complaint.

2. The individual gives written notice of their wish to resign to the Secretary.

3. Upon the death of the individual.




The Scottish Secular Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting (the AGM) in April each year, which will: –


1. Receive the nancial accounts and reports from the Board for the period ending 31st march of the same year as the AGM.

2. Elect or re-elect Officers who will serve following the AGM.Discuss and vote on any motions that have been proposed.

3. Discuss and vote on any policy or constitutional items requiring ratication.Any written motions must be issued (hard copy, email or website) to all Members at least two weeks before the AGM.

4. Motions to the AGM require a simple majority vote of the Members and Officers present to be passed. The Board may decide to hold on online poll to gauge general membership support for motions amongst members who are unable to attend the AGM.

5. All Members of The Scottish Secular Society will be entitled to attend and submit a motion to the AGM by contracting the secretary at least four weeks before the date of the meeting.


Ordinary General Meetings:


1. Ordinary General Meetings will take place regularly; notice will be given by a Member of the Board in advance.

2. Ordinary General Meetings will discuss the policies and campaigns of The Scottish Secular Society.

3. Decisions at the Ordinary General Meetings will be made by simple majority vote of the Members and Officers present. The Board may decide to hold on online poll to gauge general membership support for motions amongst members who are unable to attend an Ordinary General Meeting.

4. The Chair or Vice-chair may permit any other person to attend an Ordinary General Meeting who otherwise has no right to do so, as an observer or observers. In that event, it shall be at the discretion of the chair of the meeting whether any such observer may be invited to speak thereat. The observer will have no voting rights.


Extraordinary General Meetings:


1. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be convened by the Board or upon the requisition of one third of the membership of The Scottish Secular Society.

2. The EGM shall have the same powers as the AGM.

3. No Member may appoint a proxy to attend and vote at a meeting in his or her stead.




1. Any membership fee shall be agreed at an AGM based on a proposal made to the Treasurer. The membership fee is non-refundable.

2. The Scottish Secular Society may hold events explicitly for the purpose of raising funds, either for The Scottish Secular Society or an appropriate cause supporting the Aims of The Scottish Secular Society.

3. The Scottish Secular Society may solicit donations; either for The Scottish Secular Society or an appropriate cause supporting the Aims of The Scottish Secular Society.

4. The income and property of The Scottish Secular Society shall be devoted to the promotion of the Aims of The Scottish Secular Society.

5. Any bank accounts opened for The Scottish Secular Society shall be in the name of The Scottish Secular Society and shall be in the name of at least three of the Officers (Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary or Treasurer). Any cheques issued shall be signed by at least two Officers.

6. The Treasurer shall reimburse an Officer for expenses incurred during their duties if funds permit.

7. The Officers shall not receive any salary payments but shall be reimbursed for expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties on behalf of The Scottish Secular Society and approved by the Secretary and Treasurer.

8. The Scottish Secular Society is a not-for-prot organisation.


Complaints Procedure:


1. Complaints from any Member or non-member of The Scottish Secular Society about the actions of The Scottish Secular Society or an individual Member should be made in writing to the Chair of the Board.

2. Where the complaint concerns the Chair of the Board it should be made to the Vice-chair.

3. The Chair (or any other appropriate Officer) shall respond in writing (letter or email) to the complainant within 28 working days.

4. If the complaints are in relation to the conduct of a Member, or Officer, an appropriate Officer will be asked to investigate and report its findings in writing to the Board within 28 working days.

5. The complainant will be named in the report.

6. The Board may then decide (by simple majority vote) to:

6.a. Take no further action.

6.b. Issue a warning and take appropriate action.

6.c. Dismiss a Member from The Scottish Secular Society.


Alterations to Constitution:


Alterations to the constitution must be submitted to the AGM in the form of a motion to the Board.




1. The Scottish Secular Society may be dissolved by a majority vote of two-thirds present at the AGM.

2. In the event of The Scottish Secular Society being dissolved, all remaining funds after payment of liabilities shall go to the NSS.


Inception of the Constitution:


This constitution was incepted at the Inaugural Ordinary Members Meeting on 17 March 2013.



Appendix 1.


The Secular Charter: –


We campaign for a secular state where: –


a) There is no established state religion.

b) There is one law for all and its application is not hindered or replaced by religious codes or processes.

c) Individuals are neither disadvantaged nor discriminated against because of their religion or belief, or lack thereof.

d) Freedom of expression is not restricted by religious considerations.

e) Neither the state, nor any emanation of the state, expresses religious beliefs or preferences.

f) Religion plays no role in state-funded education, whether through religious aliation, organised worship, religious instruction, pupil selection or employment discrimination.

g) The state does not engage in, fund or promote religious activities or practices.

h) Public and publicly-funded service provision does not discriminate on grounds of religion or belief.

i) There is no privileged position in society or advantage in law for any individual or group by virtue of their religion or belief, or lack thereof.

j) The state does not intervene in the setting of religious doctrine or the running of religious organisations.