The Right To Assisted Suicide
We had the pleasure of being invited this year’s debate ‘Persons who wish to decide when to end their lives should be able to do so with the assistance of a registered physician’
Read MoreFirst Anniversary of Western Isles Secular Society!
A series of unexpected events afforded me a surprise opportunity to travel to Stornoway to join the Western Isles Secular Society as they celebrated their 1st anniversary. Given the wild ride through their inaugural year, it was a privilege to join them in celebrating their success. The official celebration was to be held on the first Sunday evening in December, at the Caladh Inn. This gave me an extended weekend to wander around the beautiful eastern area of Lewis & Harris. Strong messages in the media about Stornoway’s unique desire for publicly and privately keeping the Sabbath holy...
Read MoreGuest Debate: This House Would Abolish State Funded Faith Schools
Patrick Mackie, board member of the Scottish Secular Society, participated as a special guest of the Debating Society at George Heriot’s School in Edinburgh.
Read MoreSSS Representatives Invited to Speak at Laïcité Conference in Metz, France
Representatives Megan Crawford and Mark Gordon were invited to speak at the secular conference, “La laïcité en Europe ou Europe vaticane ? Concordats ou séparation?”, hosted by the Asociación Internacional de Libre Pensamiento ( AILP ), in Metz, France.
Read MoreKnowledge Café 2017 – Audit Scotland
As a secular organisation, and active campaigners for improved equality and ever-better human rights policies and practices, we see it our duty to learn how to listen across these invisible lines that divide our identities. And we try to help those citizens who come to us, learn how to communicate their own needs.
Read MoreThe Scottish Secular Society’s response to controversy on Lewis
The residents of Lewis and Harris have both enjoyed and suffered the position of isolation from the national narrative for too long.
Read MorePress Release: The SSS welcomes Norther Ireland’s referendum on the 8th Amendment
This referendum is the result of a long-fought campaign to repeal the 1983 decision.
Read MoreLetters II: More secular society means we are happier
Long established structures, institutions and traditions are openly being questioned and, frankly, this is a good and healthy development.
Read MoreEvidence of Bullying and Harassment in Schools – EHRiC
The SSS thank the EHRiC for inviting our organisation to give evidence on bullying and harassment of children and young people in our Scottish schools.
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