The Scottish Secular Society welcome the Church of Scotland General Assembly’s approval of an apology to gay people for the past discrimination they have faced in the Church.
Secularists are all-too aware of the harm caused by negative and non-compassionate attitudes towards same-sex relationships within some quarters of Scottish Christianity. This is why this latest move from the Church of Scotland should be enthusiastically welcomed by non-religious and religious alike.
We are also delighted with the Church of Scotland’s move towards allowing ministers to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies. As secularists, we understand that the conscience of clergy who choose not to conduct such ceremonies also be respected and are gladdened by the Kirk’s proposed safeguards. We are aware that theological progress towards full gay rights has been, and is, a long and difficult journey. However, if the Churches wish to be relevant in people’s lives, then they will need to bring their view of same-sex relationships fully into line with today’s more enlightened social norms.
Megan Crawford, Chair of the Scottish Secular Society states:
“We are all aware of the church’s horrendous history towards homosexuality. Which is why their latest moves, appointing the first openly gay minister, then allowing their ministers to be in same sex relationships, their apology, and now opening the floor to debate on same-sex marriage is applauded by the Scottish Secular Society.”
The Scottish Secular Society is Scotland’s fastest growing independent secular organisation and campaigns for the rights of all citizens.