Religion and the Highlands and Islands Film Guild 1946-71

Posted by on 2 February, 2018 | 0 comments

Dr Ian Good and Dr Ealasaid Munro present some of the key findings of their AHRC funded research into the Highlands and Islands Film Guild (1946-1971)

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Dr Ian Good and Dr Ealasaid Munro present some of the key findings of their AHRC funded research into the Highlands and Islands Film Guild (1946-1971). This was a travelling cinema funded by local government which sought to bring ‘secular entertainment’ to some of Scotland’s most geographically isolated and pious communities. How did churches respond to the arrival of cinema in rural areas? And how do people express their memories of the resulting cultural tensions?

As per usual there will be a Q&A followed by a wine reception at Annie Besant Lodge. As the Secular Society operates without external funding we ask for a £5 donation to help us cut costs. Reductions for students negotiable and free entry for unemployed (with proof of status).


Date: 3rd May 2018

Time: 19.30 – 21.00

Location: Annie Besant Lodge, 17 Queens Crescent, St. George’s Cross, Glasgow, G4 9BL

Entry by donation at door and to be followed by a wine reception. Our events and talks are free and open to the public, member and non-members alike. We are a non-profit organisation that receives no funding from external groups or the government. Our campaigns and events are funded by the generous donations of our members and supporters.

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