Press Releases

Press Release – Dismay at the Scottish Government’s plans to increase funding for Catholic education.

Posted by on 6 June, 2018 in News, Press Releases, Society drafted letters, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Press Release – Dismay at the Scottish Government’s plans to increase funding for Catholic education.

On June 2nd Nicola Sturgeon revealed plans to multiply by a factor of almost 5 the amount of public money being spent on preparing trainee teachers for the Catholic Teaching Certificate (CTC), a requirement for teaching in Catholic schools but for no other purpose. Although the absolute sums involved are not large, this is public money, raised through taxation levied on a population of which now only one in eight is Catholic, while the majority has no religious affiliation whatsoever. (more…)

Our response to the survey indicating that 70% of young people in the UK do not consider themselves religious

Posted by on 3 March, 2018 in News, Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Our response to the survey indicating that 70% of young people in the UK do not consider themselves religious

This week saw the publication of figures concerning the religiosity of Europe’s young people. These figures published in a report prepared by Stephen Bullivant for the European Council of [Catholic] Bishops are based on data from the European Social Survey 2014-16 and show that in the UK a majority of the adult population, and 70% of young people (16-29), identify as having no religion. (more…)

The Scottish Secular Society Welcomes the News That The SNP Governing Body Are Moving to Debate the Repeal of Blasphemy Laws

Posted by on 3 March, 2018 in News, Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Scottish Secular Society Welcomes the News That The SNP Governing Body Are Moving to Debate the Repeal of Blasphemy Laws

The Scottish Secular Society welcomes the news that the SNP’s governing body are moving to debate the long overdue repeal of Scotland’s blasphemy laws. (more…)

Scottish Declaration on Human Rights

Posted by on 2 February, 2018 in News, Press Releases, Society drafted letters, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Scottish Declaration on Human Rights

Below is the letter drafted by our human rights adviser John Duncan in response to the unveiling of the Scottish Declaration on Human Rights.


Letter: The Scottish Secular Society responds to Kevin McKenna’s article

Posted by on 1 January, 2018 in Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Letter: The Scottish Secular Society responds to Kevin McKenna’s article

Kevin McKenna was correct in arguing that having denominational schools are not a right of religions; he was wrong (more…)

Press Release: The SSS welcomes the announcement of a pardon for thousands of gay and bisexual men

Posted by on 11 November, 2017 in Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Press Release: The SSS welcomes the announcement of a pardon for thousands of gay and bisexual men

The Scottish Secular Society welcomes the announcement yesterday (7th November) by the First Minister of a pardon for thousands of gay and bisexual men who were subject to legal prosecution prior to 1981 and subsequently due to use of outdated laws. (more…)

Press Release: The SSS welcomes Norther Ireland’s referendum on the 8th Amendment

Posted by on 10 October, 2017 in Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Press Release: The SSS welcomes Norther Ireland’s referendum on the 8th Amendment

In light of the recent news regarding the overdue referendum on Ireland’s near total ban on abortion – the “8th Amendment” – the Scottish Secular Society voice our support for its repeal, (more…)

Press Release: Response to Smyllum Park Allegations

Posted by on 9 September, 2017 in News, Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Press Release: Response to Smyllum Park Allegations

Dear Editor,

Readers of the National will doubtless be aware of the highly disturbing allegations of violence and brutality against children who had been placed in the ‘care’ of nuns at Smyllum Park, Lanark. (more…)

Press Release: Response to the evidence that Scotland is now Majority not religious

Posted by on 9 September, 2017 in News, Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Press Release: Response to the evidence that Scotland is now Majority not religious

The Scottish Secular Society call upon the Scottish Government to recognise the rapid decline of religion in our society and realign our laws to reflect this attitude. (more…)

Welcoming the CoS move toward a more humanity-based morality.

Posted by on 5 May, 2017 in Press Releases, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Welcoming the CoS move toward a more humanity-based morality.

The Scottish Secular Society welcome the Church of Scotland General Assembly’s approval of an apology to gay people for the past discrimination they have faced in the Church. (more…)